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Concerns Or Challenges


Students or supervisors who run into concerns or challenges are encouraged to seek advice and assistance from the following sources, as appropriate, and in this sequence if possible:

  1. The student’s adviser or program director
  2. The chair of the student’s department
  3. The associate dean for graduate affairs in the student’s school or college
  4. The supervisor’s own supervisor
  5. The Office of Graduate Education and Life

Graduate assistants are not technically considered to be employees, so WVU Talent and Culture does not hold any jurisdiction over assistantship arrangements. However, guidelines and procedures relevant to employees may be helpful in guiding resolution of some problems.

Graduate teaching assistants are expected to conform to University policies, procedures, and regulations concerning teaching, as documented in the University catalogs, the Provost’s website, the Faculty Handbook, the Faculty Senate website and the Registrar’s Office website.