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West Virginia University’s Office of Graduate Education and Life supports nearly 6,000 graduate students in 245 graduate and professional programs across various academic disciplines in Morgantown, West Virginia and online.


The Office of Graduate Education and Life oversees graduate education at WVU.

Supporting our graduate students

Focused on enriching the graduate and professional student experience, the Grad Ed team organizes unique programming, professional development workshops, peer mentorships, social events, national competitions, tailored resources, and collaborative partnerships with other units, schools and colleges at WVU.

Graduate assistantships, fellowships, scholarships, tuition waivers and additional financial services are also managed by Grad Ed and Life.

Supporting our faculty, staff and administrators

Policies, procedures, guidelines, and other resources are routinely developed and updated to help create continuity among all graduate education programs.

To help improve graduate student recruitment, admissions, retention and timely degree completion, the team also oversees program reviews, data collection, assessment and reporting while working with the graduate associate deans and graduate program directors within the colleges and schools.

The Office of Graduate Education and Life reports to the Office of the Provost.

Meet the Grad Ed Team


R1: Doctoral Universities — Highest research activity as described by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.1 of 146 U.S. institutions with R1 classification. Only R1 institution in West Virginia.

Leading the Charge

6th in the nation

Preparing students to work in public interest law, PreLaw Magazine (2018).

Top 5

Best online programs for veterans, U.S. News and World Report
#3 in Nursing
#5 in Business
#5 in Education

WVU Law School is a “go-to” program, National Law Journal

Top 33

Among top law schools with the highest percentage of juris doctor graduates hired by the 250 largest law firms, National Law Journal.

Graduate Education and Life

At the Office

B20 Stewart Hall
1500 University Avenue
Morgantown, WV 26505

Office Hours: 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

By Phone

(304) 293-7173